Pearl’s Garden

“Pearl and Sam loved spending their summer at the community center. Today James, the city’s gardener, was encouraging “turning lawns into gardens”. Limited participants. 

“We’ll deliver the soil, plants and seeds but you’ll first need adult permission,” he added.”
“Pearl was not discouraged. 

“Mom, can we grow a garden?” Pearl asked. “I’ll do all the work,” she promised.

“I don’t know. You know as kids we spent a good part of summer vacation in our family’s garden. It wasn’t always fun.”

“The city gardener thinks I can do this,” said Pearl. “I’d like to grow some lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and onions…plus a few other things.” 

“Well,” said Mom, “If you’re really committed you can give it a try.”

It’s happening! Minnesota Historical Society Press is working on page layout. “Pearl’s Garden”, a story of a family and a young girl’s urban garden will be out within the year.